The Chronicle
The Simonbauer - since 1293 in Ramsau am Dachstein

First records
The roots of Simonbauer go back a long way and the first records date back to 1604.
Appearance of the name Simonbauer
The name Simonbauer also appears in the monastery register of the Friedstein lordship from 1629 and the bill of sale of the lordship is dated 15 January 1693. Thus it is very clear that our farm has been in family ownership for over 400 years.

The farm buried by debris and mud flow
This is a very long history, which has always been marked by special events, which have confronted the family with difficult challenges. For example, an enormous stream of debris and mud after a violent storm buried the Simonbauer estate on August 7, 1927 and caused enormous damage. In the course of the clean-up work, the largely intact upper floor of the residential building was demolished and set up on a new building about 300 metres to the west. For these times in which the technology and the machines were not yet so efficient, an extraordinarily grandiose achievement.

The beginnings of tourism
Tourism has a long tradition in Ramsau and we have also been welcoming guests to Simonbauer for around 90 years. For the time being, of course, the classic summer resort in the mountains was in the foreground, until winter tourism gradually came into the region and the wide range of offers inspired the guests.