Georg Gerharter
Farmer and chef of 22 ladies
"There's something very special about experiencing a wonderful sunset on a mountaintop." When it comes to the mountains and nature, Georg's enthusiasm is clearly noticeable. So it is not surprising that even after the strenuous work on the farm, he is often quickly drawn to the mountains. The emphasis on "fast" can even be taken literally, because the Ramsauer is an ambitious mountain runner. Sometimes it goes downhill with the paraglider - a wonderful view inclusive. His 22 ladies are, of course, his dairy cows, who await him longingly every day and wish him a massage. If their care, the work on the farm and on the family alp "Lärchbodenalm" allow it, he likes to share his mountain experience with his guests and undertakes guided hikes with groups as required and in winter ski tours or snowshoe hikes.